The fruit and vegetables that we jar come directly from our gardens and orchard where they are grown naturally. After a careful selection of the best raw ingredients and following the traditional Piedmont recipes of our grandmothers, with care and artistry, we create juices and fruit compotes, mustards, sauces, appetizers and vegetable creams. No thickeners, preservatives, additives, flavourings or dyes are used. Where needed, we add organic cane sugar, fresh lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, whole unrefined sea salt, wine vinegar from our own production and aromatic herbs from our garden. In addition, to ensure proper conservation (from 18 to 24 months depending on the product), we pasteurise at a low temperature.
La Bottega di CasaMatilda is located next to us in the farmhouse and is practically always open. Our customers can come and visit us whenever they like. If they notify us in advance with a phone call we also prepare an aperitif! We also personally supply private customers, bistros, cafes, hotels and restaurants in the area of Mondovi', Bra, Alba and Turin.
Flavours: Strawberry, Apricot, Peach, Blueberry, Apple, Pear and Kiwi.
Only the best fruit is selected at the optimum stage of ripeness. This allows us to add a minimum of cane sugar to ensure the right consistency and good spreadability. Cooking with a bain-marie allows us to keep the original colors and aromas of the fresh fruit.
Flavours: strawberry, cherry, golden plum, wild plum, apricot, blueberry, peach, damson, apple, Madernassa pear (heritage variety). Among the tempting varieties, there are Pear and Cocoa cream spread and Peaches with Chocolate and Amaretti (a typical Piedmont recipe). These can be served as a dessert with the addition of a hazelnut biscuit, with ice-cream, or simply as a delicious sweet treat at the end of a meal.
With the Madernassa pear we have created Pear and Curry Relish and Ginger Pears. Tasty and original sauces that can be enjoyed on their own or are delicious when accompanying cheese and meat. Among these special sauces there is also Red Onion with raisins and balsamic vinegar, then there is the classic Piedmont red sauce - Bagnetto Rosso with nutmeg and cloves as well as Nonna Lucia’s own sauce with a strong and spicy taste ideal for serving with cooked meats.
The range of antipasti: the classic Piedmont Antipasto, Tuna and Peppers, Diced Aubergines, Courgette with sautéed Herbs, Vegetable Pickle and Sweet and Sour Peppers. In addition, we produce two types of tomato sauce, tomato and basil with a delicate and aromatic flavour, and Nonna Lena’s preserve enriched with onion, celery, savory and rosemary.
Vegetables Spreads: Cream of Courgette, Aubergine and Pepper. These can be spread on crispbreads, hard-boiled eggs, used as an original filling for wraps or to accompany anchovies and roasts. Courgette is definitely the most ‘summery’ version of our spreads, with a savoury but fresh taste on the palate thanks to the addition of a rich selection of aromatic herbs. The Aubergine Sauce is slightly spicy due to the addition of chili. They can all make raw or steamed vegetables even more delicious. The (mostly red) Pepper Sauce has the richest flavour thanks to the addition of chilies, tuna and anchovies.
Dai nostri dolcissimi e profumatissimi pomodori ricaviamo 3 tipi di sughi. La delicata Conserva di pomodoro e basilico, la Conserva di Nonna Lena arricchita con cipolla, sedano, santoreggia e rosmarino. E l'ultimo arrivato Pesto rosso di Langa, un concentrato di pomodoro arricchito da tanto basilico, aglio e granella di nocciole delle Langhe.
Al contrario di quanto si possa pensare, il processo di produzione delle nostre conserve è piuttosto lungo. Dai pomodori appena raccolti viene tolta tutta l'acqua in eccesso, vengono poi eliminati tutti i semi e le pelli responsabili dell'acidità di stomaco. Si procede poi alla cottura fino ad ottenere la giusta densità. La percentuale del prodotto imbarattolato è di circa il 40% della materia prima utilizzata.